Body Electrical22A-1
Accessory Power Socket 22A-238 |
Accessory Power Socket 22A-238
Circuit Diagram
Test/Replacement 22A-239
- Carefully pry the accessory power socket (A) out from the left rear side trim panel.
- Disconnect the 2P connector (A) from the socket.
- Inspect the connector terminals to be sure they are all making good contact.
- If the terminals are bent, loose or corroded, repair them as necessary, and recheck the system.
- If the terminals look OK, go to step 4.
- Turn the ignition switch to ACC (I), and check for voltage between the No. 1 and No. 2 terminals.
- There should be battery voltage.
- If there is no battery voltage, check for:
- poor ground (G451, G601, G701).
- an open in the wire.
- blown No. 18 (15A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relay box.
- blown No. 2 (10 A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relay box.
- faulty rear accessory power socket relay.
Body Electrical22A-1
Accessory Power Socket 22A-238 |