Honda 2001 Rust Prevention5-1
Cross Section of Body and Sealants5-2
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Cross Section of Body and Sealants5-2


Note: Follow the sealer manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Clean the areas to be sealed with the was and grease remover.
  2. Wipe off any excess spot sealer with thinner. After the primer is sprayed, sealer will fill to the area where spot sealer was wiped off.
  3. Make sure you can see the sealant when the sealed part is in its proper location. Refer to the page 5-3 through page 5-7 of this manual.

  4. Finish sealing the engine compartment, the door opening, and the hatch gutter. Wipe off the excess sealer.

  5. Apply sealer on any area that replacement part will cover. Smooth the sealer with a brush if necessary.


Engine Compartment, Front Wheelhouse, and Damper Housing

Cross Section of Body and Sealants (cont'd)5-4

Dashboard Upper, Dashboard Lower, and Roof Panel


Front Floor and Rear Floor

Cross Section of Body and Sealants (cont'd)5-6

Rear Side Outer Panel, and Rear Panel


Under Floor, and Rear Wheelhouse

Honda 2001 Rust Prevention5-1
Cross Section of Body and Sealants5-2
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